Mother’s Day Carnation Bouquet

Mother’s Day is coming. Looking for something special for dearest wife, mother and mother-in-law? A bouquet of carnation flower for them? Or more unique and creation with a bouquet of handmade crochet carnation flowers for...

New Colours Match.

IDEAS. NEW COLOURS. While doing a multi-colours friendship bracelet (sorry for the untidy background with all the colour codes for different bracelets. Only I can understand. lol), I found out a few colours in it match very well. The seagreen, white, beige and the...

Colours in your Bracelets

What a day! Making a new friendship bracelet today, the colours of the bracelet that I matched looks ….. not the look that I want. Matching colours is important in making a friendship bracelet. People do say that:”Choose your favourite colours!” But...